Game Pro™ ND5 18% High Energy Deer Pellet

Game Pro™ ND5 18% High Energy Deer Pellet is a 5/32” pellet with 18% protein and 6.5% fat designed to be fed as a supplement for free range and confined deer and game animals. Game Pro™ ND5 18% High Energy Deer Pellet contains Whole Cottonseed to provide extra energy and fiber in a form that deer will consume. The newest trend in deer supplementation. By bridging the gap between nutrient requirements of the deer and the deficiencies which occur in nature, game managers can use the Game Pro™ ND5 18% High Energy Deer Pellet to keep their deer and game animals healthier and in better body condition while also maximizing growth rates, reproduction, and antler size. This feed contains ND5 which provides several additives to help the deer’s Natural Defense and support their innate immune system. ND5 consist of Diamond V® Yeast Culture, Zinpro® Organic Trace Minerals, Prebiotics, Probiotics and an essential oil product.

-This product does not require a VFD (Veterinary Feed Directive).

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